March 30, 2008

Parcellite v0.7

Finally released v0.7 which I had sitting on the subversion repository for a while because of school/work. Get it while it's hot.

v0.7 Sunday, March 30 2008

+ Added man page.
+ Option to disable/enable saving history.

+ Removed startup option.
+ Performance improvements.
+ Runs at startup by default in GNOME (remove via GNOME's Sessions application).
+ Config now saves in ~/.config/parcellite following specifications.
+ Data now saves in ~/.local/share/parcellite following specifications.
+ Bugfix: Assertion error on first run.


Unknown said...

Hi, I'm using Parcellite v.0.7 on a Hardy Heron beta x64 system as a replacement to the very buggy glipper. I've just started using it and I noticed a couple of small glitches which may or may not be a problem of your app:
- The "click detection" (for lack of a better term) on the system tray is very sensitive. When I click on the icon I end up opening and closing the panel at the same time, as if it was interpreting it as two fast clicks, one after the other. I either have to click-and-hold or try to click very quickly and lightly to open the panel. Right-clicking works fine.
- Wheel-clicking to paste doesn't work correctly, only the last entry is pasted. This happens to me with other apps, so I'm guessing it's a Gnome problem.

BTW, I installed the Gutsy package from GetDeb, since there was no Hardy x64 package available. Maybe that's causing the problems. Otherwise it seems to be working fine.

Thanks for a cool piece of software. If you don't mind, I'll steer some disgruntled glipper users your way :-)

Xyhthyx said...

Hi ivan, thanks for your reply.

In order to tell wether the tray icon is receiving a regular left-click or a control-left-click I set up a small transitional period to determine the type of click using a small 100 milisecond delay. It could be that this delay is actually too fast, I will experiment with diferent values to see if I get better results and prevent this issue.

Hendy said...

I have to admit Parcellite right now is already to superior to Glipper.

I'm curious though, why you didn't just improve Glipper so the project can continue instead of making a new project for the exact same purpose.

Many distros, like Ubuntu, already has glipper in their repositories, and it'd be quite cool if can get an improvement in the simple way without using another software (that's currently not available as distro packages).


Hendy said...

Reviewed here:

Xyhthyx said...

Hendy Irawan,

I agree with you. I probably should have helped out Glipper when I started writing Parcellite, which I began writing as a way to practice Python. Later on though, I switched to C and Glipper switched to Python+GNOME. So even though our projects kind of do the same thing, they're heading in different directions.

Hendy said...

I wonder the reason to switch to C?

Xyhthyx said...

Hendy Irawan,

The C version of Parcellite is faster and lighter on resources than its Python counterpart. For an app that sits on your notification area for a long period of time, I figured it would be best to be as lightweight as possible.