March 30, 2008

Parcellite v0.7

Finally released v0.7 which I had sitting on the subversion repository for a while because of school/work. Get it while it's hot.

v0.7 Sunday, March 30 2008

+ Added man page.
+ Option to disable/enable saving history.

+ Removed startup option.
+ Performance improvements.
+ Runs at startup by default in GNOME (remove via GNOME's Sessions application).
+ Config now saves in ~/.config/parcellite following specifications.
+ Data now saves in ~/.local/share/parcellite following specifications.
+ Bugfix: Assertion error on first run.

March 28, 2008

Apt Installs Recommended Packages by Default

I only recently noticed that when I use apt-get install, it not only installs my desired package, but also every package that the package recommends. To halt this behaviour I had to add these lines to the /etc/apt/apt.conf file:

Install-Recommends "false";
Install-Suggests "false";

March 15, 2008

Spring Break

Spring break started for us this week. I still have to go work tuesday and thursday but for the rest of the time I'll be able to catch up on some online courses, coding and get around to installing Arch.

I've been hacking away at Parcellite and I have what could be v0.7 in the subversion repository already. Soon after I browse through the code a few more times I'll be able to make a release.

Also got a chance to play some SSBB yesterday. Epic game is epic.