March 15, 2008

Spring Break

Spring break started for us this week. I still have to go work tuesday and thursday but for the rest of the time I'll be able to catch up on some online courses, coding and get around to installing Arch.

I've been hacking away at Parcellite and I have what could be v0.7 in the subversion repository already. Soon after I browse through the code a few more times I'll be able to make a release.

Also got a chance to play some SSBB yesterday. Epic game is epic.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

for the record... parcellite rocks. :)

I'm an Inkscape developer and I've used Glipper for a long time. Someone recently made it so Inkscape can utilize the system clipboard (we had our own internal clipboard before) and I noticed that my copy and paste stopped working.

I could copy & cut... but nothing would paste. I eventually decided to kill glipper, at which point it worked. After a little research I discovered parcellite as an alternative to glipper... and it works as expected (without the weird issues like glipper had).

So... I just wanted to say thank you and I look forward to parcellite .7. :)