July 15, 2008

Blips on the Radar

Those of you using Parcellite from the subversion repository might notice some activity slowly crawling along if you update it frequently. Here are some of the features available on svn:

+ Added daemon mode.
+ Added reverse history option.
+ Added no-icon option (use Ctrl-Alt-P for the menu).

+ Menu generation and display is quicker.
+ Selected items also get copied to primary.
+ History shows newest item first by default.
+ Performance and overall improvement on action executions.

I believe I will be releasing 0.8 shortly with the features and changes described above. Although support for internationalization is in place, there is currently no translations in place (though I do have french and spanish translations available). The reason for that is I will be adding support for the x-selection clipboard and translations in the consequent release.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, release, release! :)